Well it’s mid-week already, so it must be time for another installment of our Top 100 Wedding songs! We’re kicking off the second half of our rundown of the best songs for weddings this week, so if your favourite hasn't already been featured it’s time to get your suggestions in so we can include it!
49. Rudimental feat. John Newman – Feel the Love
This is definitely one for the younger generation and it might not have your granny up on the floor, but it’s a great party tune that will guarantee your reception continues into the small hours.
48. Brad Paisley – Then
Country music has been seriously under-represented on this list so far, but
Then by Brad Paisley is a great way for me to make up for it. Movie fans out there will recognise this one from the soundtrack of
The Notebook, something which has secured it as a great wedding song.
47. Al Bowlly – Guilty
Legendary crooner Al Bowlly may have recorded this one way back in 1931, but it remains unbelievably romantic and a fantastic wedding song. Those of you with a keen ear will recognise this one from the film
Amelie – it’s playing in the background as Amelie first meets her beloved Nino Quincampoix in the café. “If it’s a crime then I’m guilty / Guilty of loving you…”
46. Jason Mraz – I’m Yours
This one was absolutely everywhere when it was released in 2009, and it’s easy to see why. Cheerful, upbeat and very summery – this is a terrific romantic song for a wedding that has universal appeal.
45. Chuck Berry – You Never Can Tell
Since I seem to be developing a cinema theme this week with songs from
The Notebook and
Amelie, this fun little number from Chuck Berry seems appropriate. Charming and quirky – I can’t listen to this wedding song without seeing John Travolta and Uma Therman dancing the twist in
Pulp Fiction in my head.
44. Savage Garden – Truly Madly Deeply
‘Guilty pleasure’ doesn't even cover this one. Everyone loves a cheesy number at a wedding, and
Truly Madly Deeply delivers on every level.
43. Barry White – My First, My Last, My Everything
No-one does romance like Barry White, no-one. This one is one of his most loved singles and a staple of the disco genre. If you’re worrying about having music everyone will enjoy at your wedding – worry no more.
42. The Police – Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Fun, romantic and upbeat, this song is perfect for a wedding and has universal appeal. Everyone will be up on the floor for this one – and try and stop your guests from singing along!
41. The Crystals – Then He Kissed Me
This is an absolute classic that your parents might remember from first time around, and it still has plenty of appeal for modern weddings.
40. Boston – More Than a Feeling
Classic rock is another genre I realised I've been missing from this list so far, but Boston’s 1976 classic certainly fits the bill. An easy recipe for easy wedding entertainment: Take one dad, add two to four drinks of his choosing, put on
More Than a Feeling, sit back and enjoy.
We’re not far off finishing our countdown of the Top 100 Wedding Songs now – and as you might be able to tell we're having a lot of fun! If you can think of a classic wedding tune that we haven’t yet included in the list get in touch with us through Twitter or Facebook and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!